Sythong Run graduated from Syracuse University, with a dual enrollment in Public Health and Environment, Sustainability & Policy, with a minor in Medical Anthropology. Growing up Sythong witnessed gaps in healthcare, health literacy and pandemics which she hopes to fill in public health gaps in Cambodia. Sythong’s current interests are health promotion, sexual health, public health issues of alcohol and substance use, programming, environmental health, and equitable health access.
Before joining SHE-CAN, Sythong studied at a project-based learning school, the Liger Leadership Academy in Phnom Penh, on a full-ride scholarship. During her time at Liger, Sythong worked with a team on conducting a study on Dengue risk in local communities and going door to door to spread knowledge on the disease. During the summer of 2021, Sythong worked as a Research Assistant for two different projects, one where she focused on wastewater surveillance testing for COVID, and the other where she coded words for Health Belief Model (HBM) analysis. In the summer of 2022, Sythong worked as a Summer Program Assistant to the SummerStart Program which supports incoming first years in setting a foundation for transition and success within their first semester at Syracuse.
On campus, Sythong works as a Peer Educator Encouraging Healthy Relationships and Sexuality (PEERHS) and is serving as a member of the Survivor Support Pillar to the Chancellor’s Sexual Relationship Violence Task Force. As a PEERHS Sythong runs programs that focus on sexuality and relationships including consent, healthy relationships, prosocial bystander intervention, sexual relationship violence prevention, and sexual health and pleasure. Additionally, Sythong began working as a Residential Mentor, starting in the fall of 2022. As an RM, Sythong is a neighbor of students with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (InclusiveU students). Sythong engages students socially and is a liaison of support to InclusiveU students. Sythong assists students in maintaining a safe and healthy living environment and helps mentees in adjusting to living independently.
Highlights From Sythong’s Work Experience:
Peer Educator at Health Promotion Office, Barnes Center
Intern for She Matters program, Upstate Medical University
Research Assistant, Larsen Lab
Dean’s List GPA: 3.74 Languages Spoken: English and Khmer