Our SHE-CAN Scholar:

Solida Hoeurn

SHE-CAN Scholar: Solida Hoeurn

Solida Hoeurn is attending Babson College. She is from a small village in Tboung Khmum Province. Her parents are both farmers, and she grew up in a family of four, including her little brother. Due to the hardships she and her family have experienced, Solida has learned to value education above anything else. Solida was committed to doing her best and working hard throughout her time in high school, receiving top results in every academic year. Along with her strong academics, Solida also went on to serve as the class monitor and the president of a math club in her class. In addition, she worked as a tutor, assisting her classmates with different subjects. Her hard work and dedication paid off, and Solida graduated from high school with an offer for a full tuition scholarship at the Royal University of Phnom Penh. She joined SHE-CAN instead and is the first person in her family to pursue higher education.

After graduating high school, Solida has also been involved in many social activities. She participated as a team coordinator in the Circular Innovation Challenge 2022 to propose the idea of creating an app called Upcycler that gives users the opportunity to realize sustainability value from their unwanted products. She later led a project called REAN Buddies, whose purpose is to assist 12th graders, especially those living in rural areas who cannot afford extra classes, prepare for the national exam with the help of volunteer tutors. Right now, Solida is working as a volunteer social media administrator and content planner for a project called Beneath the Sea, which aims to raise awareness about the negative effects that humans have on marine life. 

Growing up, Solida regularly witnessed and experienced both gender and economic discrimination in the field of education in her country. With her interests in technology and entrepreneurship, her passion is to spend the next four years involving herself in the technology courses that Babson offers while learning the role of entrepreneurship in addressing issues that she is passionate about. She plans to eventually utilize her degree as a way to give back to her community by making technology more accessible in rural parts of Cambodia, so that women and students there can seek enough opportunities and reach their full potential. 


Academic Major

Technology Entrepreneurship
Class of 2027

Mentor Team

Lisa Michael, Physics Teacher, Pacific Collegiate School
Helen Nuckolls, Environmental Department Head, Stanford University
Linda Lesem, Career and Life Coach/CEO, Linda Lesem Consulting
Lisa Shiveley, Executive Director, Menlowe Ballet