Our SHE-CAN Scholar:

Eunice Umubyeyi

SHE-CAN Scholar: Eunice Umubyeyi

Eunice Umubyeyi graduated from Muhlenberg College with a degree in Computer Science. Since graduating, Eunice has worked as a Business Analyst at Morgan Stanley. Her dream is to be a problem solver and computer programmer. She is passionate about helping young girls believe in themselves, especially when it comes to pursuing STEM fields. 

At Mulenberg, Eunice was the Treasurer of the French Club, and a member of the International Student Association, the Black Student Association, and the Computer Science Club. She was also a campus tour guide, a French tutor and a Resident Advisor. Since 2019, she has worked at the Student Help Desk at the IT office on campus. During the summer of 2018, she was a Marketing Assistant at Muhlenberg’s Admission Office.

Eunice graduated from Liquidnet Family High School at Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village (ASYV) in 2015.

Eunice Umubyeyi

Academic Major

Computer Science
Class of 2021

Mentor Team