Our SHE-CAN Scholar:

Chelsea Hilda Gaju

SHE-CAN Scholar: Chelsea Hilda Gaju

Chelsea Hilda Gaju graduated from Beloit College with a degree in Environmental Studies focusing on Justice and Citizenship and with a minor in Geology. She is passionate about sustainability and learning about ways engineering can be used to fight climate change and provide social and environmental justice to vulnerable communities. Chelsea currently works as a Program Assistant at Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund, a non profit organization that focuses on clean energy and climate change in Washington, D.C. 

While attending Beloit, Chelsea studied abroad in Amsterdam, and was an International Student Ambassador. She was also a member of the International Students Club and the Geology Club, where she participated in different field trips and camping excursions. Chelsea was a Student Researcher on a “Rivers in Transition” project in Henan Province, China. Chelsea also initiated and conducted a volcano research project in Hil, Hawaii. In 2018, she interned with the Rwanda Environment Management Authority and in 2016, was a Market Strategist Intern at Kasha.

She is a graduate of Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology. During her time at Gashora, she was a school photographer for two years, an active member of Girl Up Club (a club which aims to empower women and girls), and an active member of the Tutoring Club, where she taught English to primary students at a nearby school.

Chelsea Hilda Gaju

Academic Major

Environmental Studies: Justice and Citizenship
Class of 2021

Mentor Team