The Power to Make An Impact
Deborah Gonkpah is currently attending Bucknell University, class of 2026.

On May 29, 2023, I joined the Mercy Corps family as a program management intern. I went in with no expectations but had the hope of learning new skills and understanding how an international organization is successful on both a local and global scale. On the first day of my internship, I was very nervous and confused about where to sit, what to do, and whom I should talk to. However, when I met the Director of Programs, Sophie, I felt calm and ready for my journey to begin. Throughout my internship, I ended up working very closely with Sophie. Sophie was so supportive, open-minded, flexible, and educational. She was always willing to explain things that I was unsure about and encouraged me to be my most creative and innovative self within the workplace.
Within my role, I learned about developing operational risk management, Ejo II GESI analysis, skills development training, and had the chance to edit basic project reports. I also took notes to assist with the EU media support grant final selection process of grant partners, wrote stories and newsletters, supported the team in creating concept notes, and attended field visits. Although it was an incredible experience altogether, my favorite responsibilities were the opportunity to edit reports, develop operational risk management, and create Ejo II GESI concept notes.

However, when thinking about the most defining part of my internship, it was how I learned that the positive things we do each day have the power to make a significant impact on our society. Within every staff member, like Sophie, I saw the passion to make Liberia a more just and productive society. This gave me the optimism to continue working toward a better Liberia. Mercy Corps taught me how to think on an intentional scale about the work I do at my local NGO. As my internship has come to an end, I am happy that I had the opportunity to spend my time working with such wonderful people at an incredible organization.