Rina Reflects on the First Half of Senior Year at Haverford
I took really interesting classes from Political Psychology to an Introductory Drawing class. I was surprisingly very pleased with my work in that course because, for a long time, I believed I was artistically limited to my stick figure doodles! As my graduation from Haverford draws closer, you will find me working hard on my thesis as well as searching for future job opportunities not only throughout the corners of the World Wide Web, but among the network of amazing people I now have.
My down-time these past few weeks has really been anything but! During the first two weeks of my Winter Break, I was able to visit good ol’ Texas, where I spent an enormous amount of time hanging out with both new and old friends.
The second part of my Winter break was spent in San Francisco at my mentor, Nancy Murphy’s house. I enjoyed all the activities I participated in while I was there, from hanging out with the other SHE-CAN scholars to taking long walks along the Embarcadero to bike riding along the Golden Gate Bridge. I am now looking forward to all that my final semester of senior year entails, and I am positive it will be a great experience to look back on.