From Our Scholar Blogs:

Rina on Readjusting to Life after Studying Abroad

Rina on Readjusting to Life after Studying Abroad


Since I returned from studying abroad last semester in Denmark, my schedule has been incredibly hectic! Readjusting to my school routine at Haverford College has been harder than I thought that it ever would have been, although I have been told that many students who study abroad have a difficult time transitioning back to “normal” life. Junior year has also brought its own set of challenges as I must learn to balance a heavy course workload and sending out internship applications. Unfortunately, this means that I have less time to attend school events than I have in the past.

Even though I am very busy, I make a conscious effort to maintain my relationships with my friends and enjoy their company whenever I have the free time. Two weekends ago, I had an amazing opportunity to go out and be exposed to a new cultural experience in my community. My friends and I were invited to attend a traditional Nigerian wedding. The celebration was very fun and we had a blast going out together! However, the highlight of my semester was when we went to concert where a Christian-Indie Rock band that I love was playing. Other than a few dinners and church on Sundays, my semester has been filled with work. I hope that I will have some more free time to go out and enjoy some of Haverford’s great activities in the next few weeks. But I am glad that I have had some fun times this semester with my friends despite my busy schedule because it is important to sometimes take a break from work and embrace fun, new experiences!