From Our Scholar Blogs:

Malika Reflects on Her Winter Break in San Francisco

Malika Reflects on Her Winter Break in San Francisco


This winter break, I went on an amazing trip to visit my mentor [Athena] in San Francisco. My sister was invited to come on the trip and we stayed at Athena’s home for almost two weeks. It was my sister’s first time in San Francisco, so I was thrilled to have the opportunity to tell her about all the places that I had already been to before. My favorite part was going with my sister to the Golden Gate Bridge and showing her the beautiful view of San Francisco!

While I was in San Francisco, I also had the opportunity to meet my mentor’s boyfriend. He is a wonderful and kind person! He taught me how to drive and now driving is one of my goals for 2015.

I learned so much from my mentor during this trip. On January 4, the OAD scholars went to a leadership summit that she helped to design. She taught all the OAD’s scholars to appreciate and use our hidden strengths.

December and January were very fun months! I start school on January 30 and I am very excited about my spring semester and my new classes. Until then, I am enjoying staying and spending time with my sister for a few weeks.