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Denyse and Sheilla Host Lecture Series on Rwandan Genocide

Denyse and Sheilla Host Lecture Series on Rwandan Genocide


During this last Spring Semester, Sheilla and I organized series of three events leading to the commemoration of the Tutsi Genocide at Lehigh. With the help of the African Caribbean Culture Club (ACCC), Global Union and Leadership Lehigh, we were able to successfully execute all the three events.

The first event was “Rwanda, Zambia and Botswana Culture Night” where we collaborated with friends from the respective countries to present about our countries history. This main purpose of this culture night was to prepare the audience for the next two events.


The second event was the screening of the movie “Sometimes in April”. The audience got to learn more about the Tutsi Genocide and its consequences. Afterwards, we had a discussion led by Professor Essien, one of the professors in the African Studies Department, where he explained more about Rwandan history.
The last event of this series was the commemoration of the Tutsi Genocide where we had a Walk To Remember, poems, and candle lighting. Sheilla recited a poem and I gave a speech about why it is important to remember. At the end, all participants lit candles and shared why they think we should remember.