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Charlotte Reflects on WIC@WAC

Charlotte Reflects on WIC@WAC


In October, Charlotte Mugisha, Whitman College 2016, attended WAC@WAC,the Whitman Investment Company’s networking and educational event at the Washington Athetic Club in Seattle.

WIC@WAC was definitely among the most insightful events I’ve attended during my time at Whitman. Meeting with several Whitman alumni who are engaged in various jobs that lead toward financial markets and creating businesses for people was something that stuck out to me. The way Whitman alumni are committed to helping other fellow Whitman Students is very impressive. As an International Student passionate about doing business, this event was extremely helpful.

I enjoyed listening to different experiences that all the Whitman Alumni shared with us during WIC@WAC. While getting a job after graduation might be hard for recent graduates, the Alumni at WIC@WAC helped me realize that sometimes starting off with an entry level job might lead to an individual gaining more knowledge about their career path, while also inventing their own career path through either innovation or interested.

Overall, I think WIC@WAC was a very educational event. I learned that becoming successful requires a lot of work, time commitment, being self-driven, finding a passion you are interested in and always possessing a down to earth attitude of willingness to share and learn. I am so glad I was able to go and even more importantly that Whitman funds these kinds of events for students to attend and explore a theoretical perspective of the real world in a professional networking session like WIC@WAC.