Make A Change is a way for corporations and other funders to be a part of our ambitious international students’ innovative community service projects in their home countries. These projects support our scholars in changing their community and developing their leadership skills. They help corporations and other funders create social impact, support diversity & inclusion, and build employee engagement.

Make a Change Sponsorship Inquiry Form

Since launching in 2022, sponsors have provided $100K towards SHE-CAN Scholars’ Make A Change Projects.

Become a proud sponsor of the Make a Change Project today and join us in shaping the leaders of tomorrow. Together, we can continue empowering bright futures and driving meaningful change

Meet Our 2024 Make A Change Scholars

Check out what our scholars were able to accomplish in just one summer:


Class of 2026
Kimheat Chheav (Babson College) created a woman’s agricultural cooperative with chickens, while bringing workshops on financial literacy skills to help 25 women run their businesses and manage their family money in Cambodia, Siem Reap. Kimheat provided these women with 10 chicken each, chicken training, and a coop and feed, to learn how to raise and earn money from the chicken industry.


Class of 2026
Deborah Gonkpah (Bucknell Univeristy) created The Community Led Toilet Sanitation Project. Deborah, alongside her team, constructed a modern latrine that serves over 250 people. Deborah, also conducted a training workshop that educated the villagers about the negative effects of open defecation and how to maintain toilets.


Class of 2025
Mishael Ohanwadi (Gettysburg College) provided hand-pumps and chlorine to create safe water in four communities in Liberia, Yeakpee town. Mishael also taught the residents about the benefits of clean water, maintaining the water pumps, and using proper garbage disposal.


Class of 2025
Sochea Chhay (Beloit College) built a water pump and well that provides clean water for 741 kids & their families at a school in Sa’ang District. Sochea didn't stop there though, she trained ten women to raise poultry in order to earn extra income for their families.


Class of 2024
Moon Sum (Beloit College) provided 194 rural, low-income girls information on how to pursue higher education. She also provided three school libraries writing tools and English-Khmer leadership books.


Class of 2024
Jennifer Maxwell (Muhlenberg College) lead a one-day education seminar to help change thinking about menstruation taboos and provided environmentally friendly menstrual products to women. This impacted approximately one thousand disadvantaged women and girls living in Senji.


Class of 2024
Theary Heang (Gettysburg College) bought ten computers for a learning centre in Samrong Khnong and spent four weeks teaching sixty children computer and internet skills.


Class of 2024
Sythong Run (Syracuse University) helping families in the floating village in Cambodia, Kampong Phluk Floating Village–Siem Reap Province learn about waterborne illness and clean drinking water. Sythong provided them the tools to get clean water including water filters, iron fishes, and hand soaps.


Class of 2024
Tarlee Dahn(Babson College) created a sustainability and food security project in Liberia, Montserrado County. Tarlee led a workshop on food security, climate, and waste challenges and formed a gardening initiative at a high school with an orphanage.


Class of 2023
Hope Mbabazi (Lafayette College) lead a three-day camp on computer coding and mushroom cultivation for 30 children who were once homeless.


Class of 2023
Seang Am (Bucknell University) built a library and bought eight computers for the “Coconut School” and taught 24 kids how to use computers. She also trained a teacher to continue the classes after she returned to Bucknell.


Class of 2023
Phidor Kong (Beloit College) provided two long workshops to over 300 high school seniors centered around career paths and education options after graduation. The students received books and post-high school preparation. Phidor conducted these workshops at Preah Beyda Cheat High School in the Kampong Trach District of Kampot Province in Cambodia.


Class of 2023
Sahas Sok (University of Portland) created “Ignite STEM Passion in High School Students in Rural Cambodia.” This program had 8 STEM university students conduct a two-day STEM engagement program at Hun Sen Prek Luong High school while donating books to the library.


Class of 2026
Peipei Soeung (Dartmouth College) lead two programs in Cambodia, Battambang Province, centered around scholarship opportunities for higher education. Peipei spoke with students in grades 7-12 on different ways they are able to pursue scholarship opportunities for their future.

Learn More About Make A Change

Corporate Benefits

Corporations become a part of a global effort to:

  • Create social impact 
  • Build women’s leadership
  • Support diversity, equity, & inclusion

Sponsors benefit through:

  • PR/social media/marketing opportunities
  • Increased employee engagement
  • Participation in the SHE-CAN global network

A Corporate Sponsorship Provides:

  • The materials for two to three scholar projects
  • Transportation costs to/from the U.S.
  • Individual project support
  • All administrative costs

Want To Sponsor Make A Change?